It is the report of research activities.

〇Prof. Sato achieves a splendid achievement!
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly announced that Professor Sato’s treatise published in 2017 was ranked in the top 4 in the international ranking of high citations in 2020.
Sato T, Haegele J A, Foot R: In-service physical educators’ experiences of an online adapted physical education endorsement program.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 34(2), 162-178, 2017
〇Researcher Fuchikami’s papers has been accepted!
Fuchikami’s paper has been accepted. She reports on the relationship between humans and animals in their respective treatises.
- Horse utilization and challenges in the “after-school day service”: From the results of the questionnaire for 5 business establishments Japanese journal of human animal relations ,Vol.58, 49 – 54, 2021(Japanese only)not open access
- Current Status of the Japanese Horse Riding Clubs in the COVID-19 Era Hippophile, No. 84, 1-7, 2021 (Japanese only) not open access